Mobile Internet always extremely slow?

- in P series

I have to say, I do not know much about mobile phones. My problem is, my internet is awfully slow. I have 4 GB volume in the month, but come at the speed not even on KB / S. Have always around the 129 B / s, which means that I usually not even text messages can open or send can take a long time. And it makes no difference if WLAN is on. My PC is ultra fast, but even with Wi-Fi I'm not on the phone in the KB range. Can somebody help me somehow?

To the mobile. It's a Huawei P8 Lite.


Which offerer do you have, and you in the attitudes under nets with preferential network type 4G selected?


Provider O2 and yes I have


Do friends of yours also have O2 or Alditalk and not the problems? Roaming did you activate, or the mobile phone set it automatically so that you can use also the E net?