Mobile SUDDENLY extremely slow?

- in P series


I have a Huawei P10 LITE. It is now about 2 years old and he is now not the best battery. So all of a sudden, all of a sudden, my phone started to hang conically for a second and was extremely slow. So my Insta, browser and Yt… Stop everything. Then I always downloaded one of these anti virus apps and they did not work. I have also tried 2 times restart. Nothing brought. So as I said the phone was suddenly slow. Has anyone had something like that? And no I have not downloaded any apps or visited any dubious sites, so I'm surprised. I have now set my phone to factory settings and now it works a bit. I still notice that it is slow but. Well. Did I catch a virus? Was I hacked?


No, you only use a Huawei

Next time I prefer a pixel or Android one device, or even better a OnePlus


Haha… So is a Huawei bad?


The software definitely

And their update policy anyway


This is total nonsense. It has nothing to do with the brand. If you've optimized the phone to 100% in Phone Manager and it still does not work, then it's up to the device.


No you can even buy one

I stick to Stock Android


I'm writing this on a 2-year-old Huawei that shut down me several times and cost 120 euro originally.

And you know what? I would pull this phone in front of an iPhone or Oneplus or something else.

This forum is not there to make an inappropriate place advertising here but to answer the question. As you write you could almost believe that you are working at Google.


There are also Android One devices you get for less than 100 euro, where you know wengistens that the software is maintained and updates

And even a 3 years running smoothly


This is in no way about your idea of good cell phones. And if you can't answer the question, please do not bother the questioner with unnecessary answers. Furthermore, as I said, not the software, all other huawei P10 lite work great. Maybe the device is down sometime or something. I do not know any better and have no further desire to deal with you, LG.


Yes, I'm sorry if Huawei can't afford good devs


I can only optimize it by 99%


How do you mean? So I did not notice that my phone had an update