Which smartphone is good for taking pictures?

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I like to take pictures, but my iPhone 6s does not have the best resolution and even more with backlight can't handle it. That's why I would like to buy a new smartphone. Do you have tips which cell phones are good for taking photos? The Huawei P30 Pro is said to be very good, but some believe that it does not take such a good nature pictures by the unusual color sensor (k.a like that), which receives the colors red, blue and yellow instead of red, blue and green.

So you have tips? You are also welcome to vote in the poll.


No cell phone is good for taking pictures, this is just a side function of the device. If you want good photos you should better buy a sensible camera


No, a "future camera" is far too expensive, and for the price of a good phone with a good camera to buy is worth much more.

The camera is worthwhile only if you shoot professional photos


AlexiBexi did a review and it convinced me anyway. If you want to see it, it starts at about 5:50, before he just does a lot of nonsense.


Because the current does not make good pictures, so you get a new phone to take photos? Ouch… That really hurts.

I can't understand with the best will. This actually shows that photography has never really dealt with photography. No photographer gets extra a cell phone to photograph specifically.

So you can maybe do some selfies and clap with silly filters, sometimes a landscape photo, etc. But never in life serious nature photography, not even in the beginning!




Sorry, but that is complete nonsense!


Huawai has a very good camera, but not a good video camera. The pictures themselves are sharp and very good in LowLight. However, the white balance is often not correct and the dynamics are not the best. This leads to images that may have a good resolution but some have overexposed and wrong colors.

I prefer iPhones for taking pictures. They have the best dynamic range and the most natural colors as well as the best video mode. But no good LowLight performance or zoom (if you shoot a lot with flash is also the iPhone best, because it does not completely overexpose the foreground by special use of the flash).

Samsung devices combine the advantages of both manufacturers, but they often do not quite come close to those in the individual areas.

If you really only care about the camera and you want an iPhone, I would still wait for the new iPhone which will be presented in a month. This will probably catch up in areas that the current iPhone does not master well.
An alternative would be the new Note10.
At Huawai I'm not very impressed with the photo quality. Just because the pictures do not really reflect what you see with your own eyes.


The built-in cameras in smartphones can compete with cameras today.


I want to buy a new phone anyway…

By the way, I'm not in the mood to lug around a camera and always play the photos on my PC and smartphone. Besides, I'm not a professional photographer either and only shoot as a hobby because I enjoy it. First of all, learn to understand and read the questions!


Very bad joke, the cell phone cameras can even with all the software and image editing that happens in the mobile phones not even reach to entry-level models of a real camera.


Then you only had Nokia mobile phone so far.


Not very bad joke but a little bit of informing come back and then continue talking my dear, bad trolls we need not tollerieren here on this platform


Yes, the guy knows nothing about zero and has not even informed about it


You can tell that you both have no idea but have a lot to say. The small sensors in the cell phones generate their images nunmal mostly by software, because the rushing mud would look horrible otherwise, NEN very good reason why right cameras have a lot of glass and a lot of sensor area, that does not make boredom, for the layman This is for anyone who is just a little bit busy with photography but that makes a huge difference.


The built-in cameras in smartphones can compete with cameras today.

this is by far the stupidest thing I have read here for a long time!

then all would be stupid who have some idea and spend a lot of money on a decent camera… Of course they are NOT!

I'm afraid you have no idea what you're talking about!

It may be that when Instagram teen uploads his selfies only on Instagram and Co as little (but still available!) Difference between a cell phone and a real camera noticed when in both cases an incompetent clippers was at work. But a proper camera makes the much better pictures and you can see that in the accounts as well, if good pictures are posted with a good camera or a simple mobile phone is used

Of course you should not be so stupid to believe any advertising claims of the manufacturers or to take any "megapixel" numbers as a measure of all things!


I have already read and understood the question. My answer was that cell phones are garbage. What's wrong with that from your point of view? And just because you walk around with a decent camera is far from being a "professional", professional photographer, etc. Do you seriously believe that amateur photographers all run around with cell phones? No, these are mostly clippers, 90% have no plan. And for nature pictures (I understand that there's "… Not so good nature pictures.") Is something not suitable. If that's not what you mean, then you should learn to reason with the question, and maybe not talk about "photographing."


I want to buy a new phone anyway…

then do it!

By the way, I'm not in the mood to lug around with a camera

well, then you have to make cuts and you realize that you just get pictures on mobile phone level and no really good pictures like others use the decent cameras.

and always the photos then still on the PC and Smartphone to play.

you do not have to! You do not always need the same picture on your smartphone!

Besides, I'm not a professional photographer either and only shoot as a hobby because I enjoy it.

Yes, that is not different with others, but if other people want good photos then they use a camera instead of a smartphone. Even if it's just a hobby! Or. Right then! Because if you see this as a hobby, then you should have something to it and you should want to do it well. A smartphone is only used by people who just want to quickly take a snapshot. Who wants to take photos properly and specifically and sees this as a hobby, usually takes a camera. It's so!

First of all, learn to understand and read the questions!

You write in your question that you want good pictures and the answer is that you should not take a cell phone for that.
The smartphone (and later also the tablet) has brought a very big step backwards in many areas. We were in a lot of places (technically) ever much further, but because everyone wants to do everything today only with such a small smartphone, we're now back where we were before… As far as photography is concerned, the smartphone threw us back to a stand where we were around 2007/2008. At that time, cameras had about the same level as our current smartphones (from some apps and "filters" and such a nonsense)


People have no idea about photography and blindly believe what manufacturers advertise in their advertisements. Then they speak of good quality, but do not know what is behind it, how to judge quality at all and pictures of a real camera and their options, they probably do not know… Otherwise, you just can't say something like that. Generation Knipser stops…


Yes, that's the big problem these days…
As I wrote down below, the smartphone has thrown us back a few years technically in many areas and people are stupid enough to believe that they have the absolute technical revolution in their hands.
Then come here constantly the questions like because the people who post them as an example so good pictures in their Instagram account back and what "filters" that use because that looks so great. The simple answer is just that there's no mobile phone, no app and no cheap "filters" are used but just a decent camera, a decent computer and decent software and not least the know-how to use that and shoot good pictures,

Unfortunately, hardly anybody knows that most "influencers" do not get along without management or agency and the pictures they post are often professionally produced by professional photographers, and then everyone is surprised that their stupid smartphone selfies are not that great


Each of the devices has its strengths and weaknesses in the field of camera, photo and video.

iPhones are e.g. Very good for video recording or portrait mode. In contrast, it is at e.g. In low light compared poorly.

The Huawei P30 Pro is e.g. For zoom or low light shots very well. Here the video mode is rather bad as well.

The S10+ has e.g. A very good dynamic range, but mostly supersaturated images.

All devices take good pictures and also videos. One makes one better and the other makes the other better. By the way, it's complaining at a high level.

The selection criteria should also be in other factors such as software, design and other things. You badly want a good camera that does not suit you in the other aspects.


I meant that the smartphones can compete with some mid-range cameras and what you call "Instagram Teen" apparently you because otherwise you would have asked no question or?


I meant that the smartphones can compete with some mid-range cameras

Let's say, today's smartphones can compete with the simpler cameras of about 10 to 12 years ago… That would be more correct.

and what you call "Instagram teen" apparently you because otherwise you would have asked no question or?

hm… That's the exact opposite, usually not you?!
I have to use Instagram professional, so I'm not around, ud I once sought a solution to a problem. That does not really make me an "Instagram Teen", on the contrary!