My cell phone battery keeps dropping to 0% despite charging?

- in P series

So, I'm almost really desperate. First of all, I have a Huawei P30 Lite. And that for about 1 year. I often charge my cell phone with a power bank. At first everything went fine, but for about 3 months my cell phone battery has dropped to 0% despite being charged with the power bank.

And when I then charge it with the socket, it usually also drops back to 0%. I really don't know what to do! Is my cell phone battery dead?

Unfortunately, it's not because of the charging cable, I have already changed it several times, as has the power bank. Nevertheless, it always sinks. Most of the time, I can't turn my cell phone on for 30 minutes or even an hour.

I'm really at a loss. Would it be better to get a new cell phone? Or can I "fix" it somehow? I ask for help.


I also had it with my Huawei P10. After a year and a half it could be 100%, I took it off the power and whack, it crashed. I bought the new iPhone and couldn't have been better.


So you mean that the cell phone discharges faster than it charges?

What if you turn off the phone while charging it? Does it then fully charge?

It could be that you have some apps on your phone that draw an unbelievable amount of battery (back then with the Pokemon Go hype, mine was empty faster than the power bank could charge), but most likely the battery is simply screwed.

No matter how badly you treat your battery, this shouldn't happen after a year, so the defect is most likely not your fault.

Just swap the battery, if that doesn't work, the model will unfortunately have to get a new one.


So I would think that the battery is to blame. You can have the battery replaced or get a new cell phone. Find out how expensive such an exchange is, if the exchange is more expensive than the current value of the cell phone, I would buy a new one.


Hm okay, thanks.


If the battery is on 0 I would recommend plugging in the charging cable.