My Huawei P20 simply no longer recognizes the headphones?

- in P series

I have a Huawei P20. I have ganh normal headphones from jbl, which I have been using for almost a year. It just doesn't work for 2 days. I tried the headphones on other devices, so it doesn't work because of the headphones and I also tried other headphones on my cell phone, none of them stand a chance. I have restarted the phone several times. I have also looked, no new update has been made recently. And I don't find anything in the settings either. Does somebody has any idea?


The headphone jack may just be dirty.

Could you clean with a cotton swab and isopropanol.

If that doesn't help, then the port is over.

Then you would have to have it repaired, or simply use Bluetooth headphones in the future, or use a USB Type-C to 3.5 jack adapter.


I once had a similar problem, I had my cell phone socket cleaned at the bottom and everything worked normally again


It seems to me that the headphone jack is blocked. The best way is to bend it open with a very thin coated paper clip and carefully remove the dirt from the socket.

I hope this helps you further.

All the best,


The Tenth Man.


Is it bluetooth or jack headphones?

With Bluetooth headphones, I would not be able to continue without further information.

If it is the normal 3.5mm jack headphones, then blow with a little compressed air into the connector and go in there with a slightly damp cotton swab.


Has the same on my Huawei P20 Pro. Even if you don't see it, there's a lot of dirt in the socket. Carefully loosen the stuff with a paper clip and blow in between.