I ordered a new phone about 1 week ago (Huawei p20 pro). Right after the delivery I did not notice anything. Today I noticed that there are such thin thin lines on the screen, which are usually only pictures etc. With bright colors can be seen.
In itself, it does not really bother, but is annoying, since I own the phone only for 1 week.
What is the best course of action? Guarantee I have in any case. Should I contact support before and would it cost me anything, if so how much?
I thank you in advance.
Very expensive
If you notice a visible display error after one week, you should immediately complain about the device for lack of material at the seller / dealer. In addition to the warranty you have in the first 6 months from the purchase of new equipment also increased protection by the statutory warranty.
In the statutory warranty, during the first 6 months from the date of purchase, the dealer bears the burden of proof that the complaint is not due to incorrect handling.
Therefore, he must provide for himself without repair of this proof for repair or replacement.