Hi! I have a question about my cell phone.
Namely, I have a Huawei P8 lite 2017 since the end of 2017. In itself a great cell phone! In the meantime, it depends from time to time and it has a huge jump, but otherwise it works great! My only problem: the memory!
I have a 32 GB memory card in it, but I can only pull photos, videos and music on it! My problem is the apps. I don't have a lot of apps, but rather bigger ones. (Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and a few smaller ones) My problem is probably Spotify, since this app takes up a lot of space.
I've tried many different methods to pull all the apps onto the SD card, but it seems like my cell phone is the only one that doesn't work!
Maybe you still have ideas what I could try!
Which Android version is on the phone?
This is no longer possible on Android 9 on all devices; on my Samsung S5e tablet, apps can no longer be moved to the SD card
Thank you, I'll take a look at it right away!
If you go to the apps via the settings and open them there individually, the storage location for the SD card should be changeable.
No, there's uninstalling, stopping and a few other things underneath, but I have not found anything where you can push the app onto the SD card!