Huawei P8 Lite 2017 memory full?

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I have a Huawei P8 Lite 2017 with the Android version 7.0.

The internal system memory is 16GB, unfortunately, the operating system already occupies a lot of it, so I bought and installed an SD card.

The SD card is also recognized, but I can't pull on the SD card, no APPS, I can't, if I want to download something to choose the location, although the location in the phone as SD card was deposited.

In some tutorials you should click on Settings / Apps on the desired app, and then on memory, here you can choose the memory then.

But this is not possible with me, here appears only the name and the size of the app.

Does anyone have similar problems?

I can no longer install any apps because the memory is completely full, let alone the system update.

Can someone help me?


I once found 2 links to the topic of moving apps on Android, one of them concerns the P8 Lite


Some hardware manufacturers block the moving of apps in their Android variants, because increasingly users buy inferior SD cards, move apps on it and then do not understand that it decreases performance of the apps and their support claims (without of course what because of the SD).

Another factor is that the app maker can mark his app as "non-relocatable". This too is being practiced more and more often for the same reason as before.

Basically, I believe in today's memory sizes moving apps to SD for counterproductive. Indicate in the individual apps that the data should be stored on the SD. Most of the data already stored on the internal memory must be manually moved to the SD.

If then the internal memory is still too full, you have too many apps installed!


16gb is really a lot. But you also downloaded programs like World Champion. Aps always install themselves on the main memory. Never on the SD card. Pictures or other files go to the SD.

If you've really managed to wrap around 16gb… Make sure your data gets a factory reset afterwards. Then your device should be back to factory condition.

All phone numbers are hopefully on your sim card.

And in the future. Do not install anything wrong. 16 --- gb to get full, there's already bganzschön something to.