Smartphone memory permanently full?


My problem is that my phone memory has been permanently full for about three quarters of a year. I'm talking about internal memory here. But I absolutely do not know what to do anymore. I really do not have anything to delete. 100% of my music and audio files are stored on an SD card, as well as about 50% of all pictures. I have only downloaded 2 apps, the rest are system applications.

Somehow, even with the bar in the settings where you can see which files consume how much memory, something does not seem to work. The bar is only gray and no percentages are given.

The worst is actually that no matter which app is open constantly a pop up window is on, which reports that the memory is full. While this window is open, I can't do anything anymore and first have to click on it and click on Clean. Afterwards, my phone cleans up something, I go back to the app and soon the message comes again. Last counted in Youtube - the pop up comes every 30 seconds! Since rips me when looking after a short time of patience.

Oh, almost forgot: I have a Huawei.

I hope someone has a tip, because slowly it is unbearable.


You could try to make a backup copy of your system and then set up your phone again, usually that will almost certainly help against memory shortage ;-)


How much device memory does the phone have? Otherwise you can still try to delete all the voice messages you have from WhatsApp. Have recently gotten 2 GB of device memory freebommen


And whatsapp videos and unnecessary songs also release a lot.