Hill I have the p20 pro for 2 days and the App Gallery always shows connection to the server is not possible…
Internet is there but mobile data and WLAN what can I do
Start the phone again helps mostly otherwise wait until a software update comes out.
Already tried but thank you right after I set it up it was still there but also came an update
The app is not. She works for me.
Why do not you call the PlayStore?
Boar sch ***, OK log out times from the Wi-Fi and back on.
Do you have any idea what I can do or whom I can contact
Already have Wi-Fi out and tried on the flat 😅
If the suggestions from the thyristor do not help, I would contact my provider.
So Huawei? 😅
Huawei is the manufacturer, but not your provider.
OK… Then I'm over-questioned here too. Sry
Ouh and Provider would be 😅
The one you have the sim card from.
Aso 😁
Had to reinstall the app