Best Notebook for Video Editing?


I've asked this question before, but unfortunately I didn't get a really helpful answer.

I'm looking for a laptop up to max. 1200 euro for video editing for YouTube. I first looked at the Huawei Matebook 15 and the Samsung Galaxy Book Ion, but both notebooks are not the best available for this price (according to test videos and other guides who had experience with them). Now I'm looking for a notebook, if possible under 1200 euro for my YouTube videos.


Watch videos of the MacBook Air 2020, I think that's the best for this application right now.


If MacOS is possible, a MacBook Air with an M1 processor would be very good here. According to tests, Jens has a very good performance in this area and in general (compared to other ultrabooks). What can be said, however, is that you would definitely get more work for less money. But then you have to cut back on things that make a laptop: battery, mobility, workmanship, etc.


I'm not a fan of Apple at all. And someone also told me (who uses a MacBook Air himself) that I should stay away from it. So prefer Windows


Then prefer a Windows notebook. Not only that someone who uses a MacBook Air himself told me I should stay away from it, but also that these classic features of a laptop are of course not available (or only partially available).


I'm specifically talking about a MacBook Air with an M1 processor. Those with Intel processors that were sold until recently were not suitable for this purpose. But whether you are a fan or not is an open question: Objectively, an M1 MacBook is the best option in the ultrabook sector. You can find out about this yourself. As I said: watch out for the M1.

Which classic features are missing? For me, good battery life, thin design, quiet ventilation and a good trackpad are important on a laptop so that I don't have to bring a mouse with me all the time. The new MacBook Air does all of this better than almost any other PC in this market segment.


I also use Mac and I highly recommend it for video editing ^^


Uh okay what kind of person is that? And don't think that the person will have the 2020 MacBook. Have a look at something on YouTube and don't let yourself be influenced without arguments!