Airpods vs Huawei headphones?


I wanted to buy airpods because the cable from the Huawei headphones is a bit too short. But the problem with the airpods is that I have no idea how good the microphone is from the airpods. + the airpods are expensive.

What do you think of all of them? Can you send me left of cheap airpods if possible? Best they are original.

I wish you all a wonderful day, 🌸❤️

Lg WellHi ❤️

Ps: I'm sorry for the typing errors, autocorrection has saved too many errors


Airpods are expensive and not that good at all for the price. Why don't you even look at other manufacturers?


For example?


Microphone is enough for phone calls or so easily, you will only get original Airpods for about 180 euro maybe 20-30 euro cheaper but not more… I have had my Airpods for a year, and I'm quite satisfied with them that you could get headphones with better sound for the money…


I mainly needed the airpods for TeamSpeak


Really good and even more expensive is Sony / Sennheiser / Bose. Otherwise, for example, jebra should be good. And there are about 1000 other manufacturers. There's everything from very cheap to very expensive.


The battery lasts about 2-2.5 hours when you are on the phone, there are significantly better alternatives


Then why are you looking for wireless inears? Overear is probably much more comfortable in the long run.


Really now? Only 2.5h? This can't be?


Then they need about 10-15 minutes to charge, while listening to music they last much longer, but for long calls they weren't built, as said, there are significantly better alternatives… But I'm still satisfied


I'm currently on the phone a lot. Everything is online. I would have to take them out after each call and charge them directly and hope that no one will call me in time 😂

For some colleagues it is much worse.


But what I wanted to say is that the Airpods fit so perfectly that you can hardly feel them


Work, not friends.