Why is China not beating back on the US embargo?


Why does not the Chinese government simply decide that American companies should no longer have their products manufactured in China?

So American corporations would have such. Apple, Microsoft and Google have their equipment manufactured in other countries where production is more expensive and where wages are higher.

You could say:

'If the company Huawei is not blacklisted, we will not let you produce your company'.

So China could bring the US government, and thus also Trump, to its knees.

Or not?


And how do you then pay the labor when there's no more work?


Do it.

They are reducing the supply of rare earths indispensable for CHIP production.


Communism - there goes something like that


Companies from all over the world produce in China. These would then have a clear advantage over the American companies.


As if China has a communist system. This is state capitalism par excellence. Practically no employee rights, consumer protection, antitrust or other regulations in the interest of the population for (Chinese) companies.


Then they would probably have their equipment produced in other Asian or African countries.


It's not that easy. You have to keep in mind that the moment China bans production by American companies, hundreds of thousands of Chinese (if not millions) will suddenly be unemployed.

The Chinese are not stupid and economically far more farsighted and cleverer than a Trump, for example.

The Chinese also do not benefit from further escalation. On the contrary, at the moment, you can just wait until the whole world turns away from the US and turns to the Chinese. However, the Chinese economy just keeps growing. Sure, there are small dents now. But as long as high-single-digit growth rates are on paper, there's no need to panic.

Trump makes China a world power. Who would have thought.


1. For example, Apple's iPhone is not manufactured by a US company, but by Foxconn from Taiwan. That's why China should theoretically sanction Taiwan, not the US.

2. If the US is no longer allowed to produce its products in China, that would not cause much harm to the US, as these products can also be made in India, Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, etc.

3.One step would hurt China economically, because an extremely large number of Chinese would be unemployed at one go.


So China becomes a world power because of Trump because it harms them economically?


No. The strength of the US is based on the fact that they have friends all over the world (leaders of the free world). And every American president knew that. But Trump harms not only China but also virtually all US allies. The longer he is in office and will be, the greater will be America's global loss of influence.

If Europe, Japan, South Korea, South America, India, Canada, etc. Are increasingly turning to China, it was US claim to world power. That's why you can be sure that China hopes for a second term for Trump. The actual damages are limited and will be compensated in the medium term by new partners.


Haha, that's absolutely ridiculous.

So you think that countries like Taiwan, South Korea or Japan, which need US military protection from China, suddenly turn to China?

You may want to know that the cheering third parties of the Huawei ban are likely HTC, Sony and Samsung, and they are sitting in Taiwan, Japan and South Korea.

Bolsonaro was just elected president in Brazil (South America), and he's actually a slightly more upright and conservative version of Trump. The USA-Brazil ratio has probably never been better than it is today.

While the US-EU relationship is likely to worsen further, the EU is unfortunately in a predicament that it can hardly turn away from the democratic US and turn to a pseudo-communist dictatorship like China.