Already the assignment of the 5G network frequencies today?


In the newspaper was to learn about the upcoming award of the radio network frequencies of the new 5G network standard, which should run today, right? Is not the 5G network a modern-day militarist stadard designed to secure the inaudible satellite radio for troop officers in their campaigns? What does a person in our everyday lives of transmission technology of this kind and should one connect it in such a way in the first place. All people should be reminded of the devices of the militant who use this standard before assuming a willing population. Huawei offers itself as one of the providers of the future to this, as you could already experience on TV, but with Chinese interests, others, if necessary, now with Dutch - no longer Dutch.


I ask myself, which sense such a technical question, which can only reasonably answer answered radio specialists and "technology nerds" (which I mean not negatively), in the rather "mass-compatible" Gugumo range - but well, then it is so.

Of course it can all be, but I do not want to take part in theses on the military - after all, that has to do with daring conspiracy theories and is too vague for me to say more. If the frequencies are there, then certainly private individuals will have something of it - you should not only smell problems or conspiracies, before a thing is even up for debate. My brother is also such a conspiracy theoretician who sometimes gets himself a leg up.


There's nothing about military satellite radio.


I can't answer that question. It's possible that the licenses will be forgiven now, but I do not google it because it's not relevant to me. I'm a bad data carrier for Google and I want to stay that way.

Some time ago I read that the Americans wanted us to forbid the Chinese company HUAWEI as a possible licensee. Because they could or should want to espionage with a built-in part in their smartphone espionage. As we know, only the Americans are allowed to listen to us!

There was nothing to read in support of the military in the article!


Right! The matter becomes interesting only when a benefit arises in the private sphere.


I'm neither an entrepreneur nor one who needs every technology trend - and if a thing is not an option for private users or does not entail any tangible benefits for me as a private person, it is not interesting to me.


I totally agree. I have no control over who's juggling the billions best. What matters is what comes out for the simple user in the end to benefit. That's what interests me and not this banter. LG Hacklberg


These are not conspiracy theories, the US want to take because of HUAWEI Germany from the large TE situation information, which is said to be about 80% of the findings that will not arrive then.

Probably even more, because the US also other states with Germany have a TE-Info-Austausch vergattert nothing more durchzustecken to Germany, because there's a data leak exists. Hochbrisanten Therma today, which concerns the German security situation sustainably.


That may be everything, but what good is it when people talk about it, who have no idea about the subject and will never get it? I prefer to sleep quietly and make sure that our elected representatives and the subordinate competent authorities act responsibly and ward off impending dangers without my intervention and knowledge. But that's not all that you can associate with G5, but only a small part anyway.


You can duplicate that a hundred and twenty times, it does not change the fact that this is a completely different topic and has nothing to do with the allocation of frequencies.


Greetings and a good Wednesday, LG.


These are things that we can't influence, and certainly not when it comes to big money, because somewhere everything is sacrificed, for. From the so-called big ones.


Yes, that's right, dear Pica. After all, the Office for Radiation Protection wants to check whether we also tolerate the increased radiation. When they will do it, do not know. Guess but as a result we will learn. "that there's no danger to the population at any time." Have a nice Wednesday for you too. LG


That's exactly how it will work. Now they've raised the fine dust levels (diesel), / What do you say and what they do not come up with everything to lie in the bag yourself.

Now you have a good Thursday again, LG.