Huawei Honor 10 display damage data save?

- in Honor series

The display is no longer usable.
the data could indeed be saved via hisuite, however, this requires that the HDB lock is unlocked in the settings.
I can do this bad but if the display is so bad damage is nothing more.
What other methods would work?


Replace display


Reluctant, as it costs too much money also the mobile phone is still bent.


Then possibly blindly control with an external keyboard & mouse

Otherwise a display costs ~ 40 euro


Either you change the display, or let it change. Or, you go to a mobile phone store, which infects a functioning display, backs up your data and then gives you back your defective device. Then you would vlt. Pay 20 euro and go home with your broken device and data.
You have to decide for yourself how important and expensive your data is. Completely free it will not be feasible.


I only know "detected via USB as a disk."

Otherwise, I do not know.