Hey guys I have a simple question.
When I send gifs in WhatsApp sn to my girlfriend she always wonders where I got it from. She entered the same as me under the gif and there are others.
So I wonder if it's different from smartphone to smartphone?
Thought WhatsApp is identical on everyone? Or am I wrong about it? I have a Galaxy A8 and she a Huawei (I don't know the name exactly now, but definitely a newer model).
Looking forward to answer.
I do not use Whatsapp, but if it is like other messengers, then a real "Internet search" is triggered when searching for gif memes. Means, there's an algorithm behind it that has analyzed you using cookies and other data to better understand your typical interests. As a result, you will sometimes see something different in the result than with another person under their device / account.
A social problem that results from this is that you often go into a kind of "social bubble" unnoticed. If you have been interested in conspiracy theories a few times, you will get more and more such conspiracy theories linked to search results, which quickly leads to the feeling that nothing is working properly on this planet.
But that's another topic.
OK thank you.