Discord font by Handy Direkt, does it work?


So, I have a new font for my Huawei and discord doesn't accept it, is there any way to transfer this font to Discord?


Discord has its own characters for other fonts so if you would have to write a text with this font, then copy it and paste it into Discord if it does not accept the font then it will not work for Discord but with these characters you can put your font on Discord also change like this:

* Test * (italic), ** Test ** (bold), || Test || (censored if you click on it comes the text), 'Test' (with a gray border around it), 'Test' (with a gray border around it and a light gray border on the side of the border)

And I think there's even more I hope I could help you a little bit

Ps: With some apps you can write, copy and paste text in other "previous materials" and then insert it in Discord