If the US is really a democracy how can that happen?


I thought in a real "democracy" a president can't indiscriminately prohibit things and make senseless decisions? If the US is a real democracy, how can Mr Trump then, without any evidence, accuse Huawei of installing backdoors in their devices and then kicking Huawei out of the US market?


Because he's Trump… And THAT is an exception.

He supposedly wants to prevent damage to the USA - espionage… 🙄 and if he has already found a reason - one competitor is gone


The US President has little control internally, but a lot externally. International trade is foreign policy.



Without any hint, he did not vote against Huawei.

Huawei would have the opportunity to obtain an extremely large amount of information in this way, including a spy app.

If someone thinks the Chinese wouldn't do that, they didn't hear the bang.

Trump not only had this reason, he wants to downplay the Chinese in order to score points in his own country.


And why should "the Chinese" want to do that? Do you think the billions you make are not enough for you and no you also want to spy on America?


Oh god I can't believe No comment!


States in which the president is elected by the people endow the president with more power than states in which the president is elected by parliament. That is why the Federal President is elected by our parliaments and has little power.


It's not about billions. It is about information, for example of a technical nature. Industrial espionage or secret information of a political nature.


First of all, it's not about Huawei simply getting data, but that the Chinese state can access it by law. That alone is enough to declare the case to be a "national security" and then the American president has more far-reaching powers than e.g. With us the Chancellor.

Furthermore, in the USA there's the possibility that the president issues a so-called decree. This is first of all binding as long as it does not violate laws or the Congress as a legislative body repeals it. A decree is a very "soft" law that the next president can repeal without further approval.

In the case of Huawei, it will also be the case that one of the many secret services has presented him with relevant documents / reports that prompted him to take the action.

The situation is likely to be different in the "Tiktok" case: In the US, campaigns against him were organized by Americans through Tiktok. This harms him in terms of re-election and also annoys his ego.


The counterpart to the US President in Germany is not the Federal President, but the Federal Chancellor.