What will happen to Huawei?


What will happen to Huawei?


If they are able to set up their own operating system and a good thing, it will continue. The phones are not bad.


It's not just the operating system affected…


They will do that too.


Huawei is financially supported by the Chinese military, among other things, according to the CIA… That means they will not go bankrupt (have crossed the wrong line), but Huawei smartphones are history in Europe.


Why in Europe?


Because Huawei devices probably get no more updates and new Huawei devices are unlikely to work


The question is rather: what will happen to the US? Google already expects about 800 million USD losses due to escaped license fees from Android.

And Huawai was supposed to install most of the 5G network in America, urgently required by u.a. Tesla and Google for their self-driving cars that need tons of data that today's networks can't deliver.

And if China had the idea of putting a finger on lithium exports, it looks very bleak for the US. Apple is already shaking.

The chips that Huawai currently sources from the US will probably be replicated in China in 3-4 years, and then China is completely independent of the American market in the industry, and the US has isolated itself.

Happens to the camel


And why should it be history in Europe? USA has banned Huawai. Not Europe.


I agree with you


But HUAWEI was dependent on services from the USA so far.


Google, Microsoft, Intel, Qualcomm, etc. All of them can no longer cooperate with Huawei. On new Huawei devices probably almost nothing runs. No matter if USA or Europe.


The US has not banned the phones, Google Huawei has withdrawn the license for Android. So there will be no new smartphones in Europe with licensed versions of Android.

That's not good for Huawei.


So what… What Huawei will do anything.

They are excluded from the Wi-Fi Alliance. Should not decide how to continue with the WLAN.

You are no longer allowed to participate in the USB standards.

Bluetooth may no longer be blocked in their smartphones, as well as (micro) SD card slots.

And there's no end in sight.


Complete substanceless nonsense packed with alternative facts


The dogs bark, the caravan passes (Arabic proverb)


Then tell me how Huawei / China ARM wants to build processors (which all smartphones run today) if they do not have the licenses to do so? We're talking about special and highly complex chip development with 40 years of research.