Google Apps - Huawei lock?


I heard on the news today that Google is no longer working with Huawei, cutting access to Google Apps (Google Play Store, Gmail, Google Maps, etc.) for Huawei phones, and that there will be no Android updates for it.

My questions are:

- Is that correct?

- when does this happen?

& '- Can you handle this? How do Google pretend that my actual Huawei phone is a Samsung phone?

I myself have a Huawei so I'm a little shocked, hope someone can help me here.


It is true that the US bans all American tech companies that have partnerships with Huawei, ie Google Android, Intel processors, Microsoft Windows.

But Google said that in the current mobile phones that are already in the market Google play will still work, so you can without problems still install apps and update apps from Google Play


Sounds promising, I hope that stays that way.


After the purchase Huawei must ensure that the smartphone functions perfectly for 2 years as was the case on delivery.

As there will be no updates there will certainly be problems with the apps.

If this is not the case the smartphone has a shortage according to the law firm WBS. Since you have to grant Huawei rework, is not possible.

Then you are entitled to a refund of the purchase price.

Here is the video for the case of the lawyer:


Google Apps will not be blocked on Huawei devices. You can continue to use them without worry. That has officially announced Google / Android on Twitter.

From now on, Google's Huawei no longer gets an Android with Google Apps. The Android is mostly newer than the Android Open Source Project, which they can continue to use and may. There are now only security updates and my new Android versions like Android Q. New features of Huawei should still be possible.

In case of upcoming (security) updates, Google Apps may need to be removed. Per Apk you should be able to install and use them again.


Okay well that calms me, thank you

Still wonder what the whole thing should be. XD