I first discovered a couple of pages on instagram which are mainly about conspiracy theories. Since I've looked at the posts, I have to admit that I'm somehow depressed when I think about my future. So many "rumors" are really messing you up and a lot of them seem very believable! Since I don't know enough about it, I'll only tell you a few keywords; huawei, weather manipulation, corona, simpsons, disney. Etc!
everything that is said about it is not easy, is it? You have to talk about it or why doesn't anyone in the news? Something like that drives you crazy
Why should one talk about conspiracy theories? They are stories that people made up with a lot of boredom. Nothing is true about it!
Please do not let yourself be influenced by such nonsense, but live your life! It is nice!
Just. It's rumors, hearsay and misinformation.
Good news speaks only about "certain" facts and not about wild speculation, allegations or fantasies.
German news only tries to spread verified news.
They are not concerned with nonsensical, unsubstantiated claims.
There are tons of reputable programs / people who deal with these theories and have shown that they are completely unfounded.
No, that is not true. Not nothing is true in it… A small part of it is mostly true, of course there are also completely invented ones, but many are based on something.
Just because something sounds believable it doesn't have to be, conspiracy theories consist of assembling a story that sounds "good" and simply omitting a few facts and ignoring all criticism.
The followers of these theories are then too lazy to research themselves or just look at sources confirmed by Dornier entwining and ignore any other sources.
The fact that something is not distributed via the public media is due to the fact that journalists still do research and thus quickly find out that these theories are untenable and have no basis and therefore do not pass as news.
Yes, well, but the Simpsons conspiracy theory is very interesting… With Corona, I prefer to stay careful. I haven't done enough research yet.
The one from the Simpsons can be easily refuted, but it is interesting.
Yes, I just can't believe that these are all coincidences…
Some things are too difficult to ignore
Nonsense! EVERYONE ignores them, except the conspiracy theorists who invented the fairy tales. They rock you and you fall for it. That is exactly their goal. They're laughing at you dead! )
There are 700 followings of the Simpsons, almost every topic was covered that was possible and 99% of them did not apply.
Yes that's true of course, it could be possible that you just want to entertain. But the 1% are still extremely well hit