I have a Huawei Internet. When I stream on Twitch it hangs a lot. My PC: OMEN GT12-0011ng Gaming Desktop (AMD Ryzen 7-3700X, HyperX XMP 32GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB HDD, 512GB SSD, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Super 8GB GDDR6, Windows 10) black with side window
is it up to Huawei?
Would a Vodafone Internet be better?
Which internet is recommended?
Huawei is not an internet provider but a router manufacturer.
I got it wrong, is it because of the internet router?
Probably not. But you can restart it to be on the safe side.
What else could it be? Twitch?
Possibly on the side window of the PC… After all, it was important to you to provide this information.
Got the gigacube (huawei) and can't complain. Stream up to 4k without problems, VR up to 1440 without problems.
Steam session without problems
I copied the title from Amazon
Aha… And you leave out relevant information?
For example? I can tell you if I find it.
https://www.amazon.de/...086QDCLKQ/ ÅMÅŽÕÑ & dchild = 1 & keywords = omen% 2Bpc & qid = 1610162200 & sr = 8-1 & th = 1 & tag = coa_de_g-21
I don't think it's that easy to answer. I would take a look with the resource monitor (Windows) what your CPU is doing. If, for example, updates are made all the time and these may still be installed in the background, then there's less time for your current work with the PC. For example, I've blocked all possible updates (even if it's wrong).
Bandwidth from your internet access?
Do you use LAN or WLAN?
Ok, I can try it, but I don't know where updates are being carried out on me
I'm using a LAN cable, what is the bandwidth? I don't know my way around
Bandwidth? Internet provider? Connection from the PC to the Internet?
These terms are new territory for me, sorry, don't know my way around.
Bandwidth = what internet speed your provider (internet provider) makes available to you. You have surely signed a contract with the provider because it will be. And how is your PC connected? LAN cable or Wi-Fi?
LAN cable
I'm not sure, I'll look for it afterwards, I remember 100
Ping says maximum 95
100 what? You can also do a speed test, because then we know your true bandwidth.
Ping8.8.8.8 says 95ms
This is your ping (= delay until the server receives the data) go do a speed test.
Measurement result from 01/09/2021, 09:14: 35https://www.netztest.at/redirect/de/help_result
Download 69 Mbit / s, Upload 10 Mbit / sPing 24 ms
Detailed results
Test time 09.01.2021, 09:14:35 Time zoneUTC + 1hDownload69 Mbit / sUpload10 Mbit / sPing24 msNetzypBROWSERStaat of ASATState of IPATexternal IP (daistmeineIP) IP network (AS) 25255Name of IP networkH3G-AUSTRIA == ATHostname (daistmeineIP) .wireless.dyn.drei.comOperatorHutchison DreiDuration Download7,7 sDuration Upload7,1 sName TestserverRTR https 10G ATModellOperaSoftware descriptionRMBTwsSoftware-Version0.9.0RMBT-Version1.2.0Nominal test duration7 sParallel-Connections ID3O019Parallel connections be56-7cd352d44423Open-User-IDP9df23fcf-4c28-4bd7-a0bd-216a1d19c91d
So 10mbit / s degrees are not the world if you then 1080p (full HD) streamer can lag it in the stream. If it works for you and not just in the stream, then it's down to the hardware.
Everything works TipTop for me, I can play everything without any major problems, the streaming itself doesn't just hang when I watch my cell phone, it hangs a lot and a lot is written in the live chat
? So is it just lagging in the stream?
When I stream, nothing is lagging, the lagging is then shown on the viewer's screen
Or with me nothing lagged but with every viewer
Then it's up to your internet