Will the Chinese not buy Apple cell phones when the government says the population should boycott Apple?


In the recent Huawei dispute with Google and the US, I could imagine that the Chinese will now take countermeasures. The Chinese are obedient to the government, so I could imagine that they will follow the boycott of Apple hardware in retaliation, right?


No idea who's going to keep rocking, prices are going up and that's it

Huawei owners will now have problems with their mobile phones


As far as I read, old phones are not affected by Huawei.


I would imagine that this will be an own goal for Google, if Huawei develops its own, maybe even very good operating system. It would be up to them.


I hardly believe that Huawei can do something so fast. Samsung has already failed with Bada. At that time, I did not know anything about an operating system and bought a great phone from Samsung with Bada. This is now only in reserve as a drawer. Only then did I realize that it is not possible without Android. Bada does not support whatsup and has disappeared from the market.


Nope. What should this have to do with Apple? Nothing.

Just went stupid for Huawei User, theme by.

There's no connection. I'm only happy at this moment to have no Huawei.


Apple is American, so there will be consequences from Chinese countermeasures.


And then you believe that the one completely different company, which supply millions of royalties by selling their products there, just outright boycott nothing.

If I have a quarrel with my neighbor, then he hardly goes to someone completely different, with whom he gets along well and makes the stupid.

Apple has nothing to do with it, why should they suddenly boycott this company? Do not hurt them.


These are Chinese. They are unpredictable!


That's not an argument, it's nonsense. Apparently at the moment Google was unpredictable and not the Chinese.


Trump is to blame for everything!


This is not correct as a statement, but in many areas it is true, yes.