Huawei tablet with pc monitor wirelessly connect?


I want to connect my tablet to a pc monitor wirelessly so that I can "watch TV" via apps. My tablet has only one charging port. Is there wireless Hdmi plug? Respectively. Which adapters do I need? And is there any, or how do I generally do that?


The easiest way would be a chromecast.


Ok, thanks, since I'm naïve in the matter, I have googled chromecast… I understand that correctly, that I attach to the pc monitor this part and then via the google home app connect to the monitor where then the surface of my mobile phone sozusiegelt mirrored becomes?


Simply said: yes.

but you can also, depending on the app that you use only explicitly stream the video on the television and then use the phone otherwise. (like when you start the music playback on alexa with spotify, and then do something else on the cellphone)


Thanks! Although I do not use alexa, and Spotify know only from hear-say, I know what you mean 😀 … I'll try it out! Lg!