Re-request WhatsApp verification code in 50 hours?


I bought a new huawei but kept the old sim card. Then I requested a sms code that did not arrive then I did that again he did not arrive again. Well I could not receive any sms've fixed the problem now. I entered the verification code but it did not work anymore. Now I have to wait 56 hours until I can make a new request what can you do about it? Or what did I do wrong? The last code I got from WhatsApp just did not work… Will the next one work I request? Or do I still have something to consider? Can you somehow shorten the time you have to wait? I ask for answers from people who know the problem?


To urgency, just call the What's App Support. He is there for that.


Time can't be shortened, these are just security measures that are given by Whatsapp.

The old codes do not work because that too is security. Such activation codes often have a maximum period in which they work. Often 24 hours…

The new codes will work (if you enter them in time).

So you can wait about 2 1/2 days until you can use Whatsapp again.
The world will not go down in it…





