In-Ear Headphones Status: April / 2019?

- in Y series

I'm looking for in-ear headphones. Priced, I'm willing to spend about 150 euro. What is important to me:

Very good and loud music quality (mostly hear songs that contain a lot of bass and this should be how should I say? "In the head blaring" but still be very clear, also outside noise should be suppressed)
firm hold in the ear
Long durability (if I've been earphone for such a high price then it should last for a long time)

Maybe still important I have a HUAWEI Y6. Will listen to music mainly through my cellphone. I've been looking at headphones from "devil", "Beyerdynamics" or "Bose" can't fix me somehow.


In-ear I would grab in the upper price range probably to Shure.


The opinions are probably very different. So I suggest you go to a store where you can test such in-ear listeners and form an opinion yourself. From the answers given here, you will not be smart anyway. They can then continue to argue without you, whether the eardrum death or tinnitus are better.


I would have preferred a selection of headphones that correspond approximately to my interests. But well, in the end I have a dispute so it can run in life.


See it positive, you have already heard a few manufacturer names like Shure, Samsung, Sennheiser and Bose. Do not rely on others, what sounds good to you is not good for you. Therefore make yourself a hearing test. Everyone has a different sense of hearing.


Can you also recommend to look at models of Shure and RHA, which are usually very high quality.