Which smartphone (via survey)?


I'm looking for a new smartphone but somehow each has its advantages and disadvantages so I wanted to ask you about the TOP 3 brands on the market so far it is up to Huawei…

P.S. Please give reasons for the survey

Why why why…


Unfortunately, there are a lot of fan boys out here who only refer to Huawei as Chinese scrap, even though they know exactly that their cell phone also comes from China. If you really don't care about the status, buy a Huawei, best price-performance ratio, more features and good camera, good battery, so everything is great, except for the sometimes somewhat clipped design. I switched from Huawei to Apple myself, but only because I have Airpods did I have a Huawei p10 before and it was just great. Get Huawei.


You should take off your Huawei make-up, without Google services in Europe practically useless. I have been using Samsung for years and just love it, Android has a nice open operating system which can sometimes be complicated, if you want something simpler that gives more space and less scope and is "idiot-proof" so to speak, I would use Apple.


Thank you, unfortunately you are right, a few say more about it but the others claim Uhh Apple gay (user deleted it) and you do not criticize the others and tell me personally what you think is better and do not go further on the others…


Well, I called them fanboys, but I'm behind it. The other brands are also good brands, but I think you drive best with Huawei. Many here never had a Huawei, but have their prejudices because they think cheaper price = cheap processed etc.


Is that really true with the Google services? My family (almost all) own a Huawei, some have the Mate 20 other P30 etc. And they don't have that… Is that only for the newer devices (P40, P40 Lite etc.) or is that still coming?


I also had a p10 :)


Awesome cell phone, right?


At Apple, the price-performance ratio is just a cheek; Samsung has lost a lot in terms of reliability. The best device on the market for me is the Huawei P30pro. The 40s is unfortunately no longer Google, but maybe there will be a satisfactory solution. (all attempts at solving so far do not work 100 percent)


Samsung is clearer, safer and easier. For iOS, security is good but somehow inadequate and Apple's design is somehow better than Samsung.

(in my opinion)

Unfortunately I have never used Huawei but heard that there's a security hole somehow.


Yes, from P40 there are no more Google services. The devices already purchased keep the Google services. But I do not know what it is like if you buy a new p30 now, for example, whether it still has the services.


Jo 👍


I'm the owner of a Xiaomi cell phone and I have to say that the cell phone is capable of it. Price / management top etc.

If I chose one of the manufacturers you mentioned, I would take Samsung.

Why? Very easily. Samsung phones have one of the best P / L ratios, and are also durable, well-known and widely used.

In my opinion, Apple is an absolute letdown… A "new" iPhone SE for 479 euro with a 1800mAh battery and just a HD display is a rip-off today. If you get a cell phone for 99 euro from Xiaomi, for example, you might have a completely better device, except for the chip.

I stand with my back to Huawei, I mean everything is faked by them, then the thing with this 5G surveillance…

Unfortunately, they screwed it up with me.


Only applies to new devices from the 40 series.


Yes, my * almost whole family owns a Huawei and I saw it this way (camera, battery, etc.) is really not bad but wanted to hear different opinions


So, your name is ioannis and you answer for me?


It's also smart to always get an overall picture and not spend so much money without research. You have to decide for yourself which mobile phone your opinion falls on.


Well, the biggest security hole is actually Google. And that is now away from the new Huawei. But unfortunately is not right for anyone…


Well, after you don't know what it looks like with the new p30, I was so free…