Slow speed iphone?


Our household has Huawei and iPhone. With the Huawei the speed (in the wlan or so😬) is 23mps but with the Iphone 1mps. Why is it so slow with the iPhone and can you change it? Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure if it's called mps xd


What is an iPhone?


Wow! 23 mps? Wow! That's 133,254 km / h.
It is quick indeed.
Indeed, 1 mps (= 5,793 km / h) is significantly slower.

Of course, instead of "miles per second" you could also mean "multiple personality disorder" - but I don't want to assume anything and on the other hand that wouldn't be a unit of measurement either. 🤔


This can be due to the fact that an iPhone has a below-average (i.e. Bad) transmission and reception strength. This can explain a lower speed in data traffic.