Future of my MateBook X Pro?


I own a MateBook X Pro. Will I be forced to sell this device? One reads and hears meanwhile much and actually I do not want to sell this Ultrabook. I've looked around a bit and not a single device would come into question for me because I bought exactly this ultrabook because of the sleek design and almost borderless screen. Somehow the other notebooks from other manufacturers look so old. As far as I know, there are no more business relations between Huawei and Microsoft but supposedly the already manufactured and delivered devices continue to get normal updates right?


The Microsoft Surface Ultrabooks are just as outrageously expensive but as good as Apple's. Maybe there's something there, unless it is absolutely necessary Mac OS


Eig Windows should get updates because it was indeed adapted extra.

Otherwise, get a cheap Windows KEY from MMOGA and reinstall it, although the eig is not necessary.


Yes I think so too. Is it normal Win10 on it and no Android with EMUI like the phones.


Regardless that the whole does not apply to current devices: The difference to the phones is that the Windows updates come directly from Microsoft through Windows itself.

In principle, Huawei once bought a license from MS and sold it to you. Seen in this way, the two companies have nothing to do with each other after the sale of the device and the delivery of Windows updates is prevented by nothing more, because the updates are not explicitly for a MateBook X, but for a general Windows 10 installation (as on every office computer is synonymous daruf) come.

Huawei could go broke and liquidated, but you would still get your updates. That would not be the case with mobile phones.


And what about the phones? Would there be a difference if the Huawei phones were running a pure Google Android?