Need a new phone - which model can you recommend?


After all proudly 6 years my cellphone gives up so slowly the spirit, which is why I'll probably have to get a new one soon.

The successor should meet the following criteria:

Long battery life (at least 24 hours for high usage and 4 days for occasional use)
Touch screen with fast response (application should open within 3 seconds)
good camera
Max. Pocket Size
Display should be as break-proof as possible
Price not over 300 euro (may also be needed)
Universal charging port
Not from Apple

I had thought of Samsung or Huawei, but probably. Do you have any other suggestions?

Please also write about how long the above performance has been maintained on your devices or how long you have been using the phone. I would not like to have to get another one in two years.


The Huawei P20 lite is really good for the price and also has an infinity display.

It is currently on sale


There are many mobile phones now. I can recommend the middle class of Samsung. Apple mobile phones you already have pretty much everything there's with the condition: "maximum 300 euro" filtered out


There are now many cell phones that meet your criteria. Probably. Samsung S7 or Huawei P20 lite?