Mobile router (SIM card) with fast Wi-Fi?


I'm looking for a router where you can insert a SIM card to use the mobile network, and which also passes on the received speed accordingly.

Have some time ago already had the mobile router "E5573Cs-322" bought from Huawei. But the seems to be connected via Wi-Fi connected devices starve quasi. If I have the device directly connected to a PC and use it as a LAN connection, I often have 100k or more, while the Wi-Fi devices have only 30k or (mostly) less.

Is there a "reasonable" device for this, or is that technically better not in it?

Goes on sometime on the nerves, if by W-Lan only 10k are available and Streams or videos either laggen or in miserable quality change.


If you are not too expensive


At least I'll save myself.

Already enough for me to know a device that works reasonably.


The device E5573Cs-322 what you already had, only the WLAN-n standard (2.4GHz with a stream), theoretically up to max. 150 MBit / s possible, but in practice you get max. Half of the theoretical value. So max. 70 Mbps, rather less ~ 50 Mbps with good reception.

A router with WLAN ac standard (5Ghz) is then better, provided you have ever proper LTE reception at the site of the router. The greatest router will not help if you have only miserable or no LTE reception.

Note, however, that your max. Speed strongly dependent on the availability of the used LTE network and its current utilization.

Here you can roughly see in the interactive map, if you even have the chance to receive LTE. Of course, depends on the selected SIM card provider:


LTE speed is always around me between 100-150 Mbps. That is not the problem. Only hold the WLAN from the device itself.

Again, so that's right: For 2.4GHz devices, like mine, the performance in practice is only about half. Half of what the device can theoretically do or what it receives? So if my device theoretically could afford 300MBit / s, then everything would be fine here? Or would it still only 50-75MBit / s, because it "only" 150MBit / s as the LTE network receives?

Just so that I have 100% right in the head for the future.


The max. Data rate is limited by the weakest link in the entire transmission link.

Internet server offering the WWW page or download.

The upload capacity of this server and its load (thousand users at the same time on this WWW page?)

All servers & nodes to the mobile mast (= antenna) near you.

Your LTE receiver (you say he gets the 150 Mbps)

The technology (WLAN standard, number of concurrent streams) of your wireless router. Because he receives LTE and sends it on as WLAN.

And your Wi-Fi client (tablet, laptop), because even this must support the technology (WLAN standard, number of simultaneous streams).

Conclusion: The weakest link in this chain determines (better "limited") the max. Data rate.

to WLAN standards:

The theoretical gross data rate in the WLAN depends on the WLAN standard used (g, n, ac) and the number of streams. The net data rate in WLAN is typically lower (about 50% of the gross), because to send your data through the wireless (wireless), additional administrative data is sent, which organizes this communication between wireless router and wireless client ( Error corrections, error detection, failure repetitions, etc.).

Here is a good overview, with typical data rates of common WLAN standards:

