Test menu on Huawei phones?

- in P series

I'm looking for the "secret" test menu on a Huawei P Smart because I have to test the microphones independently of each other (suspect that the lower one does not work properly). However, the codes that I find on the Internet do not work. ## 6130 ## Doesn't work, but it should be. Other codes such as ## 2846579 ## work, but this is the wrong menu. Does anyone have a tip or a working code? Respectively. Is there an app with which you can control and test the two microphones separately? The ones I've tried so far are basically just simple audio recorders.


There's a test menu in the HIcare app where you can do something like this. Simply open it and select test…


I did not know. Thank you for that. However: there it is basically only an audio recorder without the possibility to select the microphones or to get a quantitative statement in any form. Record and play again. I tried it for comparison with a Xiaomi, there I come (with a different MMI code, of course) into the Android test menu, where I can select each mic individually and get a decibel value there. I actually think that the test menu is android-internal and is not available, sometimes not specific to the manufacturer… But maybe I'm wrong too? Is there any way to get to the test menu via menus without code?