Huawei phone still buy?

- in P series

I need a new phone and the new Huawei P30 series looks pretty promising, but then I remembered this crazy Trump drama. As of August 19th, Huawei and other Chinese manufacturers are having trouble updating and using Google, as I understand it. I do not need any permanent updates, but dropping Google Maps, for example, would be a big setback. Is there any other Maps application that would be recommended or should I refrain from buying a Huawei?


The matter has calmed down so far. And even in the worst case, you will still get updates and continue to use all apps. Huawei is already worried about that. But the thing has calmed down now and everything is fine.


Thanks first, but is this officially confirmed?


Yes, that was confirmed in the media weeks ago, that they have parties draw again. Furthermore, I can confirm from work colleagues that HUAWEI should be very good (camera, cell phone reception, etc.)