What to consider when buying a used mobile phone?

- in Mate series

I might like to buy a new cell phone. My current one is the Huawei Mate 10 Lite, bought about 2 years ago for ~ 265 euro.

My aspiration is more on camera quality, because Huawei is at the top.

Since my budget is apparently not particularly high around me To buy the new P30 Pro (aka. "Photo Wonder" with its 50x zoom), I looked something on ebay classifieds and actually found it:

And I have found the P30 (no Pro / Lite) with 128GB, which costs 599 euro at Mediamarkt and ~ 465 euro at Idealo (cheap price for a new one) for a really unbeatable 250 euro VB.

It is about 6 months old, bought under a Mobilcom contract, so it still has a residual guarantee.
However, I do not know if the guarantee is transferred to me when I buy it because it was bought with a contract.

And why is there damage to this display if there's a guarantee?

The obvious, and only visible "problem" is that it has a small crack at the bottom. If it were really the only flaw, I would take it immediately!

However, what if there's more behind, of which the seller may not even know anything like internal damage, e.g. Has a circuit board loosened somewhat due to the fall?

Would you buy the device? 250 euro instead of 599 euro / ~ 465 euro.
This is really a lot of money you save for a real flagship.


I personally would not buy a used cell phone, you never know what was done with it.

Edit: Since it has a small tear, it can easily happen that it enlarges if your cell phone comes up wrong somewhere. So not that cool either.

Warranty never covers display damage or other damage caused by the user. I don't know if it will be carried over.

I would recommend for new you e.g. The Nokia 7.2. To see, there's for 200 euro with 64GB or on Amazon I saw it for 320 euro with 128 GB. Has Android One in version 9 and a pretty good camera. Can you at least compare yourself with the Huawei to see if the camera fits you. My father, who also takes pictures with SLR cameras, is quite happy with that.


I would ask him if the smartphone runs clean and also ask the seller if I can look at it then you can do tests and so, decide whether you want it or maybe he will send you Boris from the running display or something.

If it is not a scam, he could also briefly send you a benchmark result, a test picture or what you want


Android One. I looked at the Xiaomi Mi A3 (the A series is with Android One), it's cool, but not the real thing, just no features etc.

And you can't compare a cell phone from Nokia (200 euro) with a 599 euro Huawei cellphone (camera), Huawei is at the forefront, and the P30 is the top model / flagship.

There will be a real difference, besides the other "features" like the AMOLED display (always on display) etc


He has posted some pictures, it will definitely do it.

I don't think he would mind that I have it in my hand.
But what "tests" do you mean? What is "Boris from running dispaly"?

And why benchmark results? I don't think it's a China fake, I mean if the cables inside have gotten loose / loosened / got loosened due to the impact, which are still firm now, but when I use the phone it moves completely solve inside?

I can't open his cell phone with him and look it up.


Android One has the advantage that it doesn't have the unnecessary programs. But if you like what Huawei has installed, it is of course a matter of taste, I miss the Samsung music player a bit.

Of course you can compare the cameras, have you already done it? Nokia has often installed better cameras than manufacturers of more expensive cell phones.

Clearly other features will then be missing, but you were concerned with the camera.


Well, some "bloatware" is from Huawei and from Mobilcom because of the trust, but my god, you put them on other sites and they are practically gone.

I haven't compared them, I'll have a look, but it's clear that the Huawei is better. Especially the night mode is the best at huawei.

Well, it's not just about the camera. I want a great package of camera and other


If it ever fell down, the price is no wonder. Can be done, does not have to be. As you say yourself: No one can tell you if more is not broken. And if so, it is not covered by the guarantee, since it is your own fault. I also doubt whether the guarantee is transferable at all.


Clearly, the price has dropped as a result of the crack and the fall.
I'm not sure whether the guarantee is transferable, and whether there's more broken.

I would have gone there, tested the SIM card, loose contact when charging and if that worked, it would be good


As a rule, this is not transferable.

Can you do that, just for me personally, that would be too much money for a broken cell phone, no matter how much it would cost.


Of course… The guarantee applies to the device and not the owner. Has of course nothing to do with the display damage.


Guarantee is a voluntary service of the manufacturer and may exclude a transfer in its terms and conditions.


Okay then warranty 😏


You can also put them in the bin if the device has a fall damage.