New cell phone where to buy?


Have been thinking about buying a new device for a long time (buying a new one is a must, not used!), But where exactly? The prices of the different platforms vary widely, from 100-200 euro more depending on the provider.

In the shop (Mediamarkt and Saturn) I would just pay around 150 euro more than on Amazon or at verified Ebay retailers. However, Amazon is not about the brand itself, but about other online providers / retailers who also sell electronics. Are there any disadvantages with regard to the guarantee or the product itself (real new goods, not suddenly with different specifications etc. Supposedly sometimes things like the Google Playstore should not work properly with something like this etc)?

You don't want to buy a pig in a poke. But whether it will be 450 euro or 650 euro, I find a big difference, especially with new goods. Since it is Huawei, you can't buy anything directly from the provider as with Apple etc.


I searched mine via a price search page and then ended up on Ebay.
A dealer there sent me this with an invoice and a 2-year guarantee.


Which Huawei?


It doesn't really matter in this case, but the P30. The price differences are with all cell phones


Is that it? OK

allegedly sometimes things like the Google Playstore should not work properly with something like that

That's why it doesn't matter.