Vodafone premium did not receive?

- in P series

I bought the Huawei P20 Pro with the Young L contract with a friend. We have sent each other the links for the premium at Aklamio and ordered about it. My friend got 80 Euro, because he ordered over my link and 160 Euro since I ordered over his. The problem is that I did not get anything at all and the support at Aklamio always sends me an answer, that he needs the order date, the contract, etc. And I got that answer, too, when I only mentioned the previous things to the support. Where can I get help? It is about 240 euro and if necessary, I revoke the contract, because I do not see that otherwise.


If this is the same company, you probably acted with lemons


The friend has got everything, only with me something is wrong and as I said, I send everything back to the emergency.


The provider is not known for transparency. He probably reserves the right not to hand over the bonus for the cooperation.

I assume, it was a new customer advertising agreed and you have made the impression to have previously agreed. Where the provider wants to know and on what basis that is decided or when or whether the system pays, I do not know.

Send in the required documents again, via comprehensible mail, and ask for clarification, that's all you can do there. If you rely on general terms and conditions or are transversely, then you only have the legal recourse.