What to look out for the Vodafone revocation (contract renewal with mobile phone)?

- in P series

I've read Vodafone's various approaches (mail, chat, phone) regarding a revocation at Vodafone, but I'm not sure yet, or would I like to hear how experienced users have done here - maybe with some tips on what to do should pay attention or on no case should make.

I extended my Vodafone contract with a mobile phone by phone a week ago. Of course I also tested it with sim card. Would it now like to initiate the revocation. Some employees say, however, that I had the mobile phone in use, so no revocation works anymore.

So where does "use" begin and hear "test", because testing is mine. Can Vodafone prove anything at all. How much money can Vodafone deduct in a Huawei P30 Pro as a "loss in value". Is that right?

Would be nice if someone could report with experience.


If you have renewed or renewed your contract in a Vodafone store, there's no right of withdrawal.


Unless there was a mobile phone discounted, then you have to take a closer look.


My mistake should have been to write: extended by telephone!


Hm, it's even there ^^ or have edited later?