Add app when sharing?

- in P series

As you can see in the picture, the Telegram app comes with my Samsung when I want to share something on YT. My friend owns a Huawei P30 lite and she is missing the Telegram logo in the parts menu. How does this get there? Do certain authorizations have to be set in Telegram or in the smartphone settings?

Thank you for helpful answers.

Add app when sharing Add app when sharing - 1

In addition to all the apps that are already there, three points should appear where you can then add it


No three points available! Unfortunately.


Ouh. I'm sorry, I don't know what to do next.


If you have installed the app, go to the Info app and see if something can be set there, but message apps are usually added automatically, maybe uninstall and reinstall.


There should be
actually still be a "further" field

Yes, it actually works for me too. Just not with your girlfriend. Hence the question is how to add the Telegram or another app.


I think your friend's operating system may then be out of date. Simply copy and paste via the link.