Android app for photo editing without advertising and log-in?


I'm currently still using PicsArt, but find the app terribly annoying with all the social media trappings, advertising every few seconds and an expensive subscription model. Before I can edit my picture, I first have to dig through 10 pop-ups and subpages. And all of the other apps I've tried are similar in between.

I just want to edit my photos, with a similar range of functions as PicsArt also offers (mainly applying effects and filters only to certain areas of the picture, so that you can remove the effect in certain places by drawing in), and then they save to local storage. Without advertising, running costs or sharing functions.

Huawei offers a few functions internally, but sometimes these are not enough for me.

Does anyone have an app recommendation?

If it's worth it, I would also pay a few euro (once).


I used Snapseed myself. Probably doesn't have the same Bitten effects as PicsArt, but it is kept minimalistic and can edit pictures very well.