Huawei P10 Android Oreo virus scanner?

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I have a Huawei P10 with Android Oreo. Before I installed the new Android Update, there was a Huawei built-in virus scanner. Unfortunately, I can't find this anymore since the update. Can someone tell me where to find it? Is this still available?


In my opinion, you need on Android eh neither a virus scanner, nor any alleged cleaning programs.

These apps are themselves often an entry point for malicious software.
Consuming only memory and performance, background activity reduces battery life.
Since in Android every app is almost running in its own "container", AV apps can do no more than just warn.

You should pay more attention to a conscious use of apps:

Only install apps from official sources.
Read reviews.
Do not blindly trust new apps with few downloads.

Apart from that, there's still the Google Play Protect protection, which also scans the apps. You do not need more.


Huawei does not have its own virus scanner, but uses Avast, like many other manufacturers too. I once had a smartphone (but no Huawei), after the Android update was also gone, but there was previously in the changes to the update an indication that the removed. I think that was probably synonymous with your smartphone. If you want to know exactly, go into the settings under System, Apps, all apps and search there for Avast or the previously installed virus scanner. If there's not listed, then it was removed with the Android update. In principle, you do not need a virus scanner on Android, if you want a benefit, then I recommend Sophos Mobile Security, which is free, without advertising and very good. Even the most popular browsers are supported with a web filter.