Google Pixel 4xl recommended?

- in P series

Since I have been using the same cell phone for about 3 years now (Huawei P10) and it is no longer so usable, I decided to buy a new cell phone. When looking for a new cell phone, I came across the Google Pixel 4 / 4xl. Unfortunately, the Pixel 4 doesn't have enough battery for me, so I decided on the Pixel 4xl. So I wanted to ask again before buying whether someone has experience with this cell phone and whether it is recommendable.


The question is whether you actually want to be dependent on a company like google - a cell phone that also has its own Android interface would be more clever oneplus 7pro! I got it now on the recommendation of the community and is mega!


Thanks for the answer! The problem is that I don't really like most of the designs (including the Oneplus 7pro). That's one of the reasons why I chose the Pixel 4 / Pixel 4xl.


What about the s10 plus from samsung? Tomorrow VSl comes out an 11 there will be some models cheaper


This doesn't really appeal to me either. I also had bad experiences with Samsung (e.g. My cell phone no longer ran smoothly after 3 months).