Fix Pixel Error / Graphic Appeal on Smartphone Display?

- in P series

I've had a pretty big pixel error on my phone / smartphone display for some time now! This is probably caused by a kink in the upper mobile phone area. The Grafikfeher would be able to cope but this is getting worse as seen in the area of Homebuttons. Picture is attached.

What do you think if I replace the screen and the frame is the problem solved or is it still there after that?

I own a Huawei P9 Lite.

thank you for your help

Fix Pixel Error Graphic Appeal on Smartphone Display

Why are the icons displayed normally?


Google times. There are enough companies that repair mobile phones and smartphones. If you ask them, then you will certainly find out something about the expected costs of a repair and can estimate costs for the benefit yourself.


Touchscreen also works fine.


I would replace the display myself.

But not a bad idea to ask the question to a professional on the internet. They usually have more experience.


If you go into apps, will the graphics bug stay the same?


Yes, stay. Varies somewhat with the color and style. In this case, the graphics feeder is vertical. He also seems horizontal. With a longer still image, the pixel error is getting worse, that is, when I watch a video, it is barely recognizable.


Hmm then maybe a graphics card defective


Hm yes would also be a possibility that this broke through the kink.

So do not tip on the display.


Let's run a benchmark on it. If the error changes during the graphics test it will be a defect of the chip.


Probably an LCD display test with about 10 different colors or?


Yes, you can do that, but probably will not do much. I meant a benchmark of your graphics card a bit busy.