Can I sue the manufacturer for damages?

- in P series

I bought a water bottle which actually has a very secure closure double secured) and I have closed it completely correctly. Nevertheless, she has somehow risen while running my backpack and has made everything wet. Also, my phone that is not waterproof (Huawei p8 Lite) was wet and has received a water damage as a result. The phone is completely broken. An LED lamp is still flashing but the display just does not turn on anymore. The usual tricks (insert in rice, etc.) I've already tried all. Can I hold the manufacturer of the bottle somehow accountable because I can't help it and the bottle did not work properly


If you have legal protection insurance, you can consult a lawyer. If not, the legal fees will be much higher than a new phone.

You also have to prove that you have properly closed the bottle. Gets difficult


There's product liability. But there are two problems. First, you must be able to prove the whole thing, including the fact that the product was to blame for the damage and not you, because according to §6 ProdHaftG apply the general principles of the Civil Code to reduce liability for their own contributory negligence.

The far greater problem for you may be that there's a deductible of 500 euro for property damage in accordance with §11 ProdHaftG. Since this smartphone is probably not worth more than 500 euro, you probably can't achieve anything.

The most sensible thing would be to get in touch with the manufacturer of the bottle and look for a solution on a goodwill basis.


You can do theoretically.

The question is only after the process risk.

you have to prove that the bottle was to blame. That You closed the bottle properly and the liquid that drowned the phone actually came out of the bottle.

And even then, a good corporate lawyer could point out that it is negligent to lock the cell phone together with the drinking bottle in the backpack.

I would really stick to the advice of TechnologKing72 and strive for a set of rules. Take a few pictures of the malleur and write some nice lines. Not directly demanding, but already hint that you would be grateful if you would replace the damage.