Mobile phone no longer works, what can I do?

- in Mate series

I have a Huawei Mate 20 Lite… I fell asleep last night with a running Netflix series. The battery must be empty. Well I tried to switch it on in the morning and it started up as usual, well to the point where the Huawei logo starts to flash. From there nothing went on. I only enabled the phone when I switched it off to force the start process again. This happened a few times without it ever going beyond the logo… But now nothing works anymore. Vllt is the voltage from the battery, I thought, well I tried to charge but there was no response. I can't even get the phone with one of the possible hard reset combinations. When I connect the cell phone to the laptop, the device "USB SER" is set up, I can briefly flash it by long pressing the off button on the cell phone itself, but after a few seconds you can see it again in the device manager. As usual, the problem handling of Windows does not bring a solution.

The data on this phone is really important because it also includes backups from my vServers, finance and more.

Before anyone brings up the suggestion, simply use the manufacturer's guarantee… Well, the slot for the SIM and SD card broke. Zack new orders. The only problem is that I had to open the phone from the slot due to broken parts. Say guarantee away.

I hope there's still a way to "empty" the cell phone on the PC to at least save my private data.


Buy new charging cable so that your cell phone gets new wind from the electricity. Otherwise repair.


Tried directly. Has no effect. I think it's more of a software harm. Can a repair really make a difference? They'll just put it back somehow.


You could try cleaning the charging compartment from your phone so that all the dirt goes out and the landing works right up to the logo. If this does not work, then force a software reset via the Huawei rest_window, but do not delete the files if possible. How old is your cell phone?


What do you mean by Rest_Fenster? Hmm my cell phone has been in my possession since October 2018. I wasn't that aware of xD


If you press power and volume down, the window comes up. But you never know whether your cell phone is willing to get there.


I've already tried it.


Try to let cell phone lie on the windowsill for a while so that it can discharge again.


Now I'm trying to clean the charging compartment. Maybe it brings something


I've had Joa all the time now.


Doesn't it show anything at all?


Nope, nothing…

I've already searched all connections for breaks but couldn't find anything


Well, I'm even finished with my Latin. Maybe go to the repair.


I will probably have no other choice… Then thanks a lot for the interview.