Samsung Galaxy Note 8 or rather Huawei P20 pro?

- in P series

In advance in advance: The problem with the Android license does not matter 👍 first

So I think the grade 8 good because of S-pen, still good display, camera rich colors, waterproof and package contents (AKG), but battery problems and unknown whether it remains liquid for a long time. The p20 pro has the sharper camera and more camera features, but no S-Pen (which would be useful for me) and no jack + expandable storage space (but not so bad)

So in a nutshell, the camera is important to me (rich colors + sharp) and the overall package must be in order!


First, wait and see what happens between Goole and Huawei…


To keep it short, I would recommend you the grade 8, since Huawei has lost the license for Android and thus some Google features, such as Google Maps, etc. Could lose. It also suffers the security of your privacy. In short, I hope I could help you.


Yes, but I do not need all the stuff, so Android pie is just enough


@Dirkidirksen But what about longevity? Samsung's performance is faster and p20 per camera is better


That is the now state. And what if it keeps escalating and Google blocks all huawais from all apps in the future? Then you look really old and have to make detours to pull apps.

And believe me - a filter to block a mobile phone type, Google will find for sure.


Unfortunately, I'm not in matter. I'm a happy Apple owner and had a Samsung phone for 3 years before and that has kept like a 1.


@Userhm I do not believe because it has been said that all the devices that are currently in the market, include Android. It could be that the P20 pros that were recently produced have the problem…

And I had before the phone until next year to buy so yes can be


Get Huawei P20 Pro one yourself. HongMeng OS (Huawei OS) will soon be faster than Android and Android apps will run 60% faster.


Then lay back relaxed - until next year are again new phones on the market…


And then the data from the phone are sent even faster to Huawei?