I have issued the "automatic download" function on my WhatsApp so that I do not have every picture of every group directly on my mobile phone. But now I want to save one or the other picture. Unfortunately I have not yet found a good function how I can do this simply?
Handy is a huawei mate 20 pro.
Can someone help me there?
If you download it manually in WhatsApp, you will have it on your phone.
Yes but the question is how do i download it manually?
You tap the picture.
If it were that easy…
Even after typing the picture it is not directly in the gallery too. Continue editing etc. On iPhone you could then save the image, but this function is no longer available and I don't know how to get the image into the gallery
So when I download an image, it ends up in the gallery automatically, even though I have deactivated automatic download.