Why does not my mobile phone connect to the local Wi-Fi?

- in Mate series

I have had the problem for a good 1 1/2 months that my cell phone (Huawei Mate 10 Lite / newly purchased in February '18) does not connect to my home WLAN (easy box), but with all other networks, no matter if I'm be with friends, my parents or in public. And before that it went smoothly and without problems. From morning to morning, my cell phone was no longer connect to the wireless.

My previous search for answers is unfortunately inconclusive. I have contacted Vodafone (my wireless provider) and my mobile phone manufacturer (Huawei) as well. Nobody can help me! In addition, I noticed after some time that I no IP address bzg the router is displayed. If I want to connect to this I will see the message "no access to the network".

Please Please, HERE CAN Help SOMEONE HERE? I'm desperate.


Change the password from the Wlan and read out characters like ä ö ü ß% §. Only numbers and "normal" letters


Restarted mobile and router?


Everything already done. Network deleted from the phone and again entered the password. No change.


My password consists only of normal letters. And what about the IP address?


My problem solved itself by making an update still pending, but thanks anyway for the help ☺️