Turn off sleep mode on the Huawei P30 pro?

- in Mate series

I recently got a new cell phone, namely the Huawei P30 pro and ran into such a problem that I can't deactivate my sleep mode, i.e. The maximum time I can select is 10 minutes. With the cell phone in front of it (Huawei mate 20 lite ) it was still possible. Does anyone know what's going on and what I can do? I need this function because I often run games on my cell phone overnight so that everything is farmed


As far as I know, this doesn't work with Android if the option is not offered.

One reason could be that this is pretty draining.

On the iPhone, the automatic lock can actually be set to "Never".


Hmm, strange because on the last cell phone I could also set it to "never"


Yes, it should normally be like that…