Repaired smartphone on stone floor?

- in Mate series

My Huawei Mate 10 Pro fell onto the stone floor and now it has scratches and notches on the frame. Can it be repaired or removed somehow or do I have to 'live' with it now?


You have to live with that


You'll probably have to live with that

or you can replace the housing if that is possible, but probably won't


Unfortunately, everything is permanently installed.


I hope you had an envelope around it. If not, then you will probably have learned from it now & quickly get a case, I would recommend you anyway ^^

If there are only small scratches then you will probably have to live with it. Can you try to inquire in mobile phone shops if one or the other can do something. Most of the time, such stores also have a repair service. Ask there.

If the scratches bother you so much then get the entire housing new:

Or buy a case that covers the frame, there are definitely.


Of course, I haven't had a case for 1 week because I wanted to admire such a beautiful, high-quality cell phone 'naked' in its natural beauty ๐Ÿ˜…

I'll probably ask in the mobile phone shop. I also didn't know that you can replace it yourself, but I don't dare to do it, because everything is permanently installed, unfortunately that's the case with the current smartphones: /


You know it. Forever cover then left out & fate strikes & you regret it ๐Ÿ˜… There's nothing worse with mobile phones if they fall down & leave tracesโ€ฆ

I would recommend you let a professional do it if you say yourself that you don't trust it. Make the people in the mobile phone stores determined for you. Can you buy the case yourself beforehand & then go to the mobile phone shop, they should do it then, maybe you'll save a few euro ๐Ÿ™†๐Ÿปโ™€๏ธ