Looking for slow motion recording app?

- in Mate series

I'm looking for an app for my Huawei Mate 20 Pro cell phone (Android 10) in which I can record in slow motion. It would be very desirable if the app copes with pitch corrections because audio artifacts (whirring tones / squeaky tones like in sci-fi / alien films) are horrible in my ears. According to my information, these artifacts should only occur in extreme images, but they are the same with me every time. But no matter, is not the topic now…

Does anyone know a suitable app?

Can also be a PC combination PC software / app, would also be very good because you can also work on the PC.


There are many free programs for this. On pc davinci resolve 16. You can do a lot more with that. It's best to watch videos on operation.

On the phone Power Director (but uses watermarks).